
Syntax: set the wdeType of sprite whichDistortSprite = whichDistortEffect
Type: Sprite property
Description: This property specifies the type of effect identified by whichDistortEffect to apply to the sprite identified by whichDistortSprite.
Possible literal values for whichDistortEffectare #pond, #reflection, #rollingSea, #underwater, #flagWave, #funHouseMirror, #ghost, #effect4
Possible values for whichDistortSprite are a number or a variable.
The default effect is #pond.
Example: In this sprite script, when a user clicks on sprite 1, the ghost effect appears.
on mouseUp
	set the wdeType of Sprite 1 = #ghost 
To try this out for yourself:
  1. Create a new Director® movie.
  2. Insert the default distort effect (pond) into your cast.
  3. Drag this cast member onto the stage. Right-click on the sprite.
  4. Select script...
  5. Type this Lingo example.
  6. Now play back the movie and click on the sprite while it is playing.
You should see the ghost effect replace the pond effect. You can apply other behaviors to the sprite as well, such as
on exitFrame or on mouseDown.

Note: The Distort Effect works best when applied to a bitmap image cast member.